Shared Interest Groups 

OLLI's Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) offer opportunities and informal learning around a shared interest. They are included in OLLI membership and open to all OLLI-UM members. Our current SIGs include the offerings below.

Accordion Group

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  • OLLI Book Club

    Member driven discussion group whose pupose is to have lively discussions about the novel they have chose to read.

  • In the News

    Discussion group on what's "in the news" that week.

  • Monday Morning Quarterback

    Discussion group about the current events in the world of sports.

  • Current Events

    Discussion group that focuses on current events in national global topics.

  • As the Book Pages Turn

    Members choose a book to read and engage in a lively discussion.


Can I Start a SIG?

Yes! OLLI's Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) foster learning and friendships by linking OLLI-UM members who share a common interest. SIGs do not take the place of OLLI courses and programs – they complement them! Like everything else in this learning community, all it takes is a member willing to take the lead.

Contact the OLLI Director if you have an idea for a new SIG.
