Life at OLLI

OLLI Turns 40!

This year marks the 40th anniversary of OLLI at UM! We celebrated this milestone with a kick-off event featuring Donna Shalala, the esteemed President Emeritus of UM, as our guest speaker. The event was a resounding success. For more insights into the celebration, click here to read further details. Plus, check out the video alongside for a quick glimpse into the event's memorable moments.

Xavier Cortada at OLLI

This year as we celebrate OLLI’s 40th anniversary, members gathered to hear from Xavier Cortada, a three-time University of Miami alumnus and professor of practice.  During the event the participants were asked to check the elevation of their homes and draw the number on their sign, revealing the area's vulnerability to rising seas.  For more insight into the event, click here to read further details. Also be sure to click on the video alongside to view the event’s memorable moments.

Giving Thanks with OLLI

Our Thanksgiving potluck is a heartwarming gathering that unites the OLLI community through a feast of homemade delights! Both OLLI members and instructors contribute their favorite dishes, creating an afternoon filled with delectable food and engaging conversations. This event is primarily organized by the dedicated efforts of the OLLI Volunteer Committee and the Social Committee, who work together to make this occasion memorable for everyone involved. To see the event come to life, click on the video on the side to browse through the pictures.
