OLLI Member Testimonials

Guillermo Cueto testimony Guillermo Cueto "OLLI at UM is unique: Its ambience, academic offerings, accessible fees, professorial excellence, courteous and effective administrative staff, multidisciplinary student background, and convenient location, make OLLI at UM the place to be, if you are curious and want to be connected!"
Yanick Lindquist testimony Yanick Lindquist "My classes have been very interesting. I love the variety of strategies the instructors use to keep us engaged, and I enjoy having visiting experts in the field share fresh perspectives on the topic. Many OLLI programs benefit from instructors who are alumni, or community members eager to give back. Their dedication fosters a rich learning environment driven by passion and expertise."
Alan Dietz testimony Alan Dietz "My feeling is, when you're over 60 you're playing in the last quarter of the game we're in. So you might as well do everything you can to use your mind instead of watching TV or whatever a lot of people sit around doing. That's the nice thing about this program. It gives those of us who are over 60 an opportunity to keep doing aerobic exercises of the brain instead of just walking around the block or walking around the mall."
Lara Torbar testimony Lara Torbar "What makes OLLI unique is the incredible group of people who are eager to learn, have a good time, and share their experiences."
Haim Karp testimony

Haim Karp "I didn’t have this uncertainty about what to do after I retired, because I knew I was going to join OLLI. I like the courses, I like the atmosphere, I like the friendship with people, and I like to devote some time for activities at OLLI. I like volunteering."

Pam Dickson

 Pam Dickson  "Above all, this is a place to gather, learn and socialize, with opportunities for volunteer work. A place, because we have our own building to gather in. We learn through so many sterling teachers; from surrounding universities or experts from within our own membership. We socialize, because we love to meet new people and talk, attend social gatherings our social committee provides, or meet outside of OLLI. We volunteer, because of the many opportunities provided to give of our own talents and abilities at OLLI."
